Where I Share My Time With You

While I sit here contemplating my next post and a nap, I thought I would share where I am sitting most of the time. We seldom used our dining room table, so I made it my “desk”. I was spending too much time in my bedroom, my sanctuary, but it can become a recluse situation if I don’t move about the house, so this helps. I am about to move you all with me into my room though…it is warm and rainy here today, and I think while I ponder what to write I may stare at the back of my eyelids. šŸ™‚

My blogspot

My blogspot

20 comments on “Where I Share My Time With You

    • If you wanted to see “old school” I would show you the console stereo in the living room…I may have to take a photo of it. Oh, and the table if it were set up with the two benches that came with it, from Goodwill, looks just like an old school house piece of furniture, or at least that is what the benches remind me of.


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