Here Comes the Sun…Do do do do…

Moved out of the house today. I just wanted to let you all know that I am fine!

Yesterday was like a college hazing. I got the rest of my personal belonging together and packed up my car this morning. I am out of the house and someplace safe and air conditioned. I am feeling so blessed and so happy. Hugs all!IMG_3320

Grateful, Fed, Medicated and Updated!

I am so beyond grateful today. Now don’t get me wrong I have tried to keep an attitude of gratitude though all of this, but today rocks!

We finally got food stamps! WOOOT! I am so happy it is hard to describe. It’s not that we were starving, but one more baloney sandwich would have put me over the edge. It was so much fun to go to the store today and not have to decide what I would leave behind. I got milk and eggs and meat..oh my!  We will be feasting in the Hood household tonight. Thank you Lord!

I went for my therapy appointment yesterday, and as you can probably surmise, it was a bit rough. I had my first appointment with the therapist and it was a teary one for sure, and the crying jag carried over to my appointment with the med doctor who suggested upping my Paxil. I didn’t argue with him. I’m hoping it will help with some of the anxiety attacks I have dealt with lately.

I am trying so hard to stay in the moment, in THIS day, not worrying about tomorrow. I am a bit concerned with the dogs having fleas and no real course of action…Dawn baths coming this week, laundry and vacuuming. It is the best I can do for them for now. Please pray about this with me. These dogs mean so much to me, and I want them comfortable and well. Thanks!

I am off to read for a bit before starting some baked chicken and rice for dinner. I can’t wait to smell it! I’m sure hubby will appreciate the aroma when he comes in from work. Yeah…it’s all good.

*Update* I forgot about the biscuits I bought…Oh my goodness..I do believe that heaven smells like fresh baked biscuits. My cup runneth over.

My kitchen curtains, just because.

My kitchen curtains, just because.



A Little Off Track…

Hey ya’ll..(yes, I said “ya’ll”). Sorry for the lack of posts. I’ve been a little out of sorts lately, but will find my way. I truly appreciate you and will be reading and commenting. I just need to find something worth posting. I pray you are all doing well. I’ll be here.


Time to Relax and Rejoice

I am sitting, listening to Christmas music, hugging my dogs every five minutes. Aren’t dog hugs the best? There is a pot of chili bubbling on the stove, our Christmas Eve and day dinner, so I won’t have any more cooking to do. I will pop the apple pie in the oven later, to be topped with some whipped cream. The oven being on will help to warm the house too! I am going to take my laptop into my room, put a bunch of Christmas DVDs in one after another, lots of blankets for me and the dogs. I will look at my cute little tree, and be so grateful my heart may burst. I will not go to the negative, these thoughts will have no place to stay. I will rejoice at the birth of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I will dance like no one is watching…except my dogs, and they love when “mommy” dances and sings.

I even bought myself a poinsettia. I’m glad I waited to buy one, they were only $1 today!



A beautiful and empowering prayer for a Sunday morning!

Abundance Prayer
From The Light of God that I Am.

From The Love of God that I Am.

From The Power of God that I Am.

From The Heart of God that I Am.

I Decree-

I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance. The Abundance of God is my Infinite Source.

The River of Life never stops flowing. It flows through me into lavish expression. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me and let me, in turn, bless others.

I now open my mind to receive my good. Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to have happen. With God as my Source, Nothing amazes me.

I am not burdened by thoughts of past or future. One is gone. The other is yet to come.

View original post 130 more words

What A Short Strange Trip It’s Been

Today marks the 38th day since I started this blog, my first blog ever, and I can’t believe the changes in myself in this short bit of time.

I started this blog on a day when I was so bored with my Facebook page, and had just done another culling of “friends”. I was just so tired of it all,  and was looking for a new outlet, something I’d never tried before. I had of course heard of blogging, but thought of it as just an online form of journaling, and honestly came here with that in mind. I had no idea how much this “blogging thing” would do to me, and for me, in just 38 days.

First, I had to learn how to set up my page. I changed my theme about 20 times, different colors, and formats, and finally choose a header, and I had to  decide what my blog was “about” (that in itself is still a question). Finally, it was time to write my first post. Oh, how intimidating that moment was for me. I wanted to just write, but it was different knowing that people would actually be reading what I’d written. I must have edited that first post 50 times, and now, I couldn’t even tell you what it was about without going back to look.  I have gone through many changes in my approach to writing in this short time. I have stopped caring as much about my lack of writing skills, grammar, punctuation and even content, and have learned to just be a writer by writing every day, and by learning to just be myself.

Secondly, I found a place to post my photographs, another somewhat hidden passion. I don’t own a good camera, and I don’t know how to use any of the settings on it other than “Auto”, but I was amazed and blessed to see so much positive feedback on those photo posts! I started to believe I could be a photographer, something I had always dreamed of but didn’t think I would ever do with my lack of knowledge and equipment. This has been such a blessing in the way it has opened me up to more possibilities in my life.

Last, and certainly not least…and maybe it should have been first,  I never expected this “space” to be filled with so many amazing people. There are people who have helped me develop more confidence in my talents, people who have become good, close friends to me, some who have become “saviors”, and some who have, through their posts, made me laugh.  It has been so wonderful to log on here every day. I love getting my cup of tea in the morning and sitting down to read the new posts, seeing what others have said about my posts, and yes, watching stats (it’s a newbie thing). This place has given me an excitement about my life that was missing before I came here, and for that there are no words of thanks that would suffice.

OH! And….this newbie made it through NaBloPoMo, even when she had to figure out what the heck that meant! I am so grateful for the “likes” and “follows” that have come my way, the awards, though kindly refused, were really cool (yes, I’m very succinct). Just know that I appreciate all that I have gained from this experience, and that it has made me look forward to my future. I now know what it means when someone says, “I am a blogger”, and I’m proud to count myself as one of them.

Thanks to whose photo I found on Google and used for this post. Check out her blog, The Poppy Files!

“God Bless Us, Every One”

I have all the classic, and not so classic Christmas specials and movies on DVD. I love the feeling I get watching Miracle on 34th Street every Thanksgiving. I only watch the original of course , I don’t believe in remakes of classics.

There have been many, many versions of Charles Dicken’s classic A Christmas Carol, and a few have been done well.  I enjoyed the 3D version from Disney, the illusion of snow falling in the theater was pretty cool. However, none has ever come close to my all-time favorite, the 1951 version starring Alastair Sim. Not wanting to turn this post into a “review”, let me just say, if you haven’t seen this version you are missing out, and need to go out and get it post-haste!

I seem to see something new every time I view it, something I had somehow missed before, and last night was no exception. I was watching the scene when we are first introduced to Tiny Tim. He is standing outside a toy store, looking in the window, fascinated by all the animated, mechanical, and colorful toys on display for Christmas. I watched his eyes so closely last night, the eyes of a child just sparkling with joy and wonder, a little smile on his face. Then someone from inside the store removes a toy sail boat from the window, and for the first time I noticed how Tim’s eyes cloud over, and his joy is replaced by a look of envy and longing. It only lasts a second, and then you see the smile return to his face as his focus turns back to the other toys in the window.

This scene hit something deep inside of me last night. You see, that split second of longing in Tim’s eyes is what true poverty looks like at Christmas, and throughout the year. This movie shows so much of the gratitude that the Cratchet family has for what so many take for granted. I love how excited they are about the goose, the pudding “singing” in the cupboard, and the TWO glasses of gin punch! They are just so happy and grateful. This is one benefit of being so incredibly poor. You learn how to find joy in the least of things. You stay focused constantly on what you have been blessed with and learn to be content.

If I had never been homeless, never been cold, never been hungry, I would not have the measure of gratefulness I have now. When I lay down to sleep at night I thank God for my blankets, my pillows,  for a place to lay my head, because I know what it is to not have these things. I am truly grateful every time I put clothes in the washing machine, because I know what it is like to not have one. I remember when I had to wash hubby’s work clothes in the bathtub each night on my knees, my hands cramping from wringing out heavy jeans, and then hanging them across the kitchen to dry. You won’t ever hear me complain about doing laundry.  Having gone to bed with my belly growling more than once gives me the ability to be happy and thankful for whatever is in the fridge or cupboard. My clothes are almost never new, but they are clean, and I’m grateful to have them.

Even with this attitude of gratitude, like Tim, I find it hard at times not to envy, not to want, not to covet, especially during the holidays. I would love to be able to buy gifts for my kids and my grandchildren. I wish I could afford a haircut or a rug for my kitchen floor that gets so cold. I wish I had living room furniture so that I could set up a tree, and fix up my house…but, you see, the guilt creeps up on me for even typing that I want these things. I know I am so much better off than a lot of people. Heck, I’m better off than I was just a few years back, but it’s hard sometimes. There are so many days I just wish I had enough…enough money for bills, food, for car repairs, not luxury items by any means, but just the security of knowing that I won’t ever have to sleep in a tent again, or go to bed hungry. I think that is the worst part of poverty, the insecurity, never knowing for sure what the next week may bring if hubby misses a few days of work. I would love to know what it is like to live without the worry.

However, on this night, in my modest little house, like Tiny Tim, I will be grateful. I will be happy. I am warm. I am fed. I am laying on a nice soft bed with lots of blankets, and once again, I’m watching A Christmas Carol. Maybe tomorrow I will even dig out a few strings of Christmas lights to hang around the house, and make some soup from the leftover turkey. I am blessed, and I will leave  tomorrow in God’s hands…He’s brought me through so many times, I know he’s got this. And as Tiny Tim says, “God bless us, every one”!

Happy Blanket Reunion!

Blanket makes it Home!

For all of you who have followed the amazing saga of my lost blanket. I am sitting here with it in my lap, just arrived by post. I am still in awe over the way this whole story came around. This blanket means so much to me, and for someone who has never met me to go to such lengths to return it, is beyond kind. This blanket is irreplaceable, and I will always consider Mark Bialczak a true hero. If you missed any part of the story, check out Mark’s version here:

I will post a pic of the blanket after I get it put back on my wall, where it will remain from now on. Unless of course, I need to travel, then it goes with me.